Artificial Intelligence Beca, the virtual tourist guide of Menorca

The assistant answers queries from visitors to the island in Spanish, English and Catalan

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Customer Fundació Foment del Turisme de Menorca (FFTM)

Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning

The Challenge

Instant attention 24/7

In order to enrich the services provided by the entity responsible for tourist information in Menorca, the FFTM, it was proposed to create a new communication tool for visitors and potential visitors to the island.

The network of tourist information offices of the FFTM attends in person the queries of people who travel to the island, and facilitates the preparations for the visit through the website, which is available in six languages. It also offers telephone and email service.

In any destination with great tourist attraction, the challenge lies in being able to provide instant and simultaneous attention to the maximum volume of queries from visitors in their own language, and at the lowest possible cost. In addition, it is very useful to have their requests for information and the degree of satisfaction with the answers recorded, in order to improve services and manage the tourist destination intelligently.

The Solution

A Virtual Assistant

In collaboration with Top Tourism Marketing, we created VisitBOT-Menorca, a chatbot hosted on the island's official tourist information website that answers user questions in Spanish, Catalan and English.

On any day of the year and at any time, the bot answers the questions that are asked in a maximum of two seconds.

Beca, the name with which the virtual assistant was baptized, is ready to answer queries on more than a hundred issues. It is a chatbot FAQ that "learns" as it receives and processes the questions of the people who use it.

In its first year of operation, some 15,000 interactions between users and Beca were registered.

VisitBOT-Menorca's artificial intelligence made it correctly understand eight out of ten user interactions. Specifically, the effectiveness of its neural network reached 81.1 percent twelve months after its implementation.

The VisitBOT product is listed as a solution for smart destinations by the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.

The Team

The APSL Data and AI Department has a multidisciplinary team specialized in chatbots.

Expert in Tourism Destination Marketing
Doctor of Physics
PhD in Artificial Intelligence
Computational Linguist
Doctor in Communication
Content Managers
Native Translator
Software Engineers
Cloud Infrastructure Architect
Graphic Designer
Agile Coach

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