Orientation day for higher education and labor studies in IES Marratxí

March 27, 2024 · 2 min read

IES Marratxi II

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by the direction of IES Marratxí to see if I could participate in a day of orientation on higher education and career options. This day was focused on showing the students of 4th of ESO the different paths they can take, now that they will have to make the decision of how to continue their studies.

The institute has sought a group of speakers who are studying higher education and speakers who have already entered the labor market. We have tried to include a wide variety of studies, ranging from the sciences to the humanities, and professions such as firefighters, engineers or artists.

IES Marratxi III

I explained how I decided to study computer science and what was my experience at the university. In addition, I talked about my career within the company, telling how is the culture and the day to day in the company.

I also had the opportunity to talk about how we work as a team in the execution of projects, since it was one of the points where there was more interest, taking the opportunity to debunk the myth that programmers work alone in front of a computer.

During the three sessions that have been held, I have been answering questions or doubts that could arise, so I hope it has served to help a student to decide to enter a world as exciting as it is computer science.

I would like to take this chance to thank IES Marratxí for the invitation to participate in this day, especially Assumpció Guerris for the contact and Maria Magdalena Calvo for the support throughout the day.

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