SURI in Operation: The Application Designed by APSL to Improve the Management of Companion Animals at the CAACB

July 31, 2024 · 2 min read

SURI - Nota de Prensa

Palma, July 31, 2024

APSL, a Nagarro Company, has developed a new application designed to improve the management of the Centre d’Acollida d’Animals de Companyia de Barcelona (CAACB), a center that is part of the structure of the Ajuntament de Barcelona.

The new application developed by APSL aims to enhance the management processes of the CAACB, especially regarding the administration of the center, veterinary monitoring of the animals, provision of established diets, as well as the registration and coordination of volunteers. This technological tool, named SURI in honor of a much-loved dog at the center, allows for better control over animal adoptions by interested families, as well as the behavior and cohabitation of animals in the adoption process.

Antoni Aloy, CEO of APSL and Co-Founder of Nagarro, explained that “with developments like this, citizens can benefit from technological advances in their dealings with public administration, and public employees improve the control and efficiency of their work to provide better public service.”

This system has also facilitated progress in the digitization of administrative processes, replacing paper with this application, which improves file searches and tracking.

Among the functionalities of SURI are the entry and registration of animals; search for animal records; administrative management of records, owners, statuses, documentation, and public information; veterinary management of visits, medications, tests, vaccines, diets, and interventions; management of daily walks; volunteer management; management of outings from the center; and finally, the management of foster homes and adoptions.

The CAACB, as an institution responsible for the care and welfare of approximately two thousand companion animals, including cats, dogs, and ferrets, which are found on the streets of Barcelona each year, whether lost or abandoned, has faced the challenge of adapting to the anticipated increase in the animal population with the construction of its new center and the development of an innovative application to improve technological support in the management of this center.

This new project adds to those already developed by APSL for the public sector, where the company has collaborated with the Govern de les Illes Balears, Consell de Mallorca and Menorca, Ajuntament de Barcelona, and Concello da Coruña, among others.

APSL was founded in 2009 and currently has 125 people working under the remote first model. Since 2023, it has been part of Nagarro, a multinational with a presence in 36 countries and more than 18,500 employees.

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