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Talent and learning

Find a career that fits your calling

Pies con zapatillas delante de la flecha en la carretera al aire libre. Flecha de dirección delante de una tienda para el distanciamiento social durante la pandemia covid-19 by Evelien Doosje

Get off to a good start...

We want your incorporation into APSL to be as comfortable as possible. We know that beginnings are never easy and we will try to help you in the process. When you start a new job, there are a lot of challenges to tackle. We are no different, but we want to make them explicit:

Transparency and commitment

icon settings ajustes Technological stack

When entering a company there are certain technologies that perhaps you do not know and learning all of them at the same time is a challenge that can cause stress. We will go step by step. We have set up the Academy to facilitate this entire process.

icon culture cultura Company culture

Each company is different and adapting can cause frustration. We have launched the YED.ai bot to accompany you in the process and we will assign you a person to mentor you.

icon development desarrollo Development processes

It is very important to internalize the development process as it speeds up the work of an entire team. That part will come together over time. We focus on not only knowing how to do something, but also knowing why you are doing it.

icon business negocio Business logic

Learning how an industry works as quickly as possible prevents problems for the entire team. We want you to learn technology but always focused on providing value to customers, whether internal or external.

icon team equipo Integration with the team

We are a team-oriented company. We believe that the group is always greater than the sum of its parts.

We bet on people

Personal and professional growth

At APSL we seek to attract talent, ensure the well-being of our teams, share knowledge, assume our social responsibility and start the career plan from the ground up.

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Flexible schedule agreed with the team that suits your life
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We have offices that are available should you want to go one day
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If the company goes well we all win
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We are proud of our training programmes
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Competitive salary & transparent career plans

Our onboarding process

(Junior/mid devs)

The goal is for the learning curve to be as light as possible.

Gerente estrechándole la mano a solicitante by AndreyPopov

The interview

We understand that you may have little experience, we therefore focus on knowing if the person fits with the company culture and on understanding their motivation to prepare for the training. Depending on your knowledge, you can go through a bootcamp and training stage or a more accelerated incorporation.

Entrenador de negocios by g-stockstudio

First month

The training

In bootcamp format, we discover your knowledge, we introduce you to our stack, we present examples of the usual problems and this allows you to learn the workflows.

reduced Mujer milenaria discapacitada en silla de ruedas ruedas por las colinas en el parque de patinaje by Drazen_

Second month

The first project

Introducing you to a real project of internal service, in which there is already some pressure however in a controlled way. At the same time we practice processes, tools and teamwork.

Colegas en trabajo by scyther5

Third and fourth month

Team Integration

You begin to collaborate in your team where you will learn the business logic of the sector in which you work, always with the help of the person responsible for the team and the one who is mentoring you.

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